today, keje aku dok sms n call org2 yg terdapat dlm phonebook aku n yg aku terlintas nak call n sms!
Elin: my best friend since our basic training for MAS cabin crew is waiting for her hubby to come back from a trip. texted her n she replied. miss u guys lin!
yus: so called like my lil bro, bz with his agenda but he called me this late evening n he came over to my place with faiz. they said dat i'm getting skinnier! ahaks! thanx guys!
doel: is my cousin but we're really close since kids n like my own brother. he always bz one but we had kinda satay n burger dinner tonight. he's asleep n i cud hear he's snorring in his room! gosh!
mama: my lovely mummy! she called my 3 times today...i dunno lah my mum, she always got something to tell me bout things going on. very the up-to-date info lah mama tok...
kak p-jot: my only sis in my siblings. she called me becoz to remind me bout her seluar dat i bought in delhi, which only costs me 100 rupee = RM 10! sebok je kan die ingatlah! i'll be night-stopping in miri (MYY) this coming 23rd.
daddy: he called me exactly 5mins after my mum called. he told me a good news where i got a "reward" from something that i've invested. kinda cool huh! alhamdulillah. he even told me dat he might be coming over to see my new rental house.
azfar: my friend dat i owes call as "gedik". i dunno why, but i just like to call him dat. i texted n called him, but no sign of receiving any signal from me. so maybe "something" is on, i guess. ahaks! well, another 10 more days he'll be off to johore for his uitm. all da best far!
waty girl: my girl ever since primary 2, called her on my way home from klia. discussed bout da wedding she attended yesterday n asked her bout her baby iman. she's ok i think. we laughed over few matters that i shouldn't share in here. sorry....
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
where is everyone?
Posted by DeLL PuTiT at 2:39 AM 1 comments
tah hape2 tah
it's 25mins past 2 a.m. n i still couldn't shut my eyes for da day...entahlah, banyak sangat bende aku nak pikir. Sometimes i'm thinking of something which is so irrelevant but i do believe that kekadang bende2 ni penting gak..mmm...
pagi tadi aku bangkit pada jam 4a.m coz aku kene buat flight to Surabaya, syukur alhamdulillah da flight was great, both sectors were light-load, so senang skit keje. Furthermore, my leading steward pun sempoi n crew members ok lah...
balik je rumah kat shah alam, i went out with someone to collect my check from prudential, had our early dinner, pay my friend, etc etc... I've tried to call few friends but no answer, neither reply on messages for them. tapi takpelah, maybe dieorg bz kot. entah tetibe ade gak terase nun jauh kat sudut hati aku mengatekan yg dieorg ni taknak kawan dgn aku lagi kot, tah hape2 tah ek.
thank god i still have my beloved cousin, doel temankan me at home n asked a favour from his friend to 'tapau' us satay n burger. sedap gak ah n mengenyangkan. then yus n faiz cam-over to our place, as usual, yus the loud speaker of shah alam region!
well, at this moment, as usual at this hour, i stuck my backside on this chair to layan perasaan of loneliness sometimes. browsing the internet, emails, blogs, chatting, n more....
yawning ywaning n yawning, so i guess, i better go now dudes! cheers!
Posted by DeLL PuTiT at 2:25 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Thankful for being Malaysian #1

The only place of hope for us (those crew who doesn't like to bring food from home) to survive in this kind of place where VEGETARIAN meals are daily consumed due to religious matter. The vege restaurant...
While waiting for my order, just a simple snap from me to you...fasting in Delhi...
This thing really impressed me because it's so convenient for the customers. That's my number!

Yeah I know, easier for the crew to wash the dishes! Ahaks! So sorry, I forgot to snap the pic of the food before it's being half-eaten...well, I had that Chowmien (fried noodles) + masala paneer and my colleague had a vege pizza. This totally 'vege' moment really reminds me of mummy's Ayam masak kicap. Without any funny thought in my head, the vege food are finger lickin' good!

I do believe that walking 100 steps after meal could burn the calories faster, that is what a philosophical friend of mine, Boiem, told me. As my colleague and I were enjoying the night stroll along the Delhi street, we stopped at few "instant" booths owned by the locals to earn their living. One of them is this magazines booth. The magazines are really cheap, far cheaper than home! FHM is only INR.50 = RM5!

Next to the mags corner is this fried mashed potatoes stall, or known as begedil in Malaysia...looks yummy huh, but we dare not to try coz, you know I knowlah kan! ahaks!
Sharp at 9.30pm India time, we went back to our rooms and ZzzZZzZzzz...
Posted by DeLL PuTiT at 6:56 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
i'm 29

Posted by DeLL PuTiT at 2:31 PM 4 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
it's raining
Posted by DeLL PuTiT at 4:57 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
A day before PUASE

Tira Miss U / Cheezy Garlic
Cheezy something2 / Green Tea
Raspberry something2 / Oreo

Well, then headed back, took shower before go to the Masjid Negeri for the FIRST night of TARAWIKH prayer, to mark the starting of the month of RAMADHAN...
YUS, ROZY & I only did it until the first 8th Raka'ah only as for DOEL, he made it till the end...
Posted by DeLL PuTiT at 7:34 AM 2 comments
5TH Batch of RE-D-Fleet
The class is the mixture of few batches, few of them are my seniors and most of them are my juniors. Most of us knew each other, whether we've flown together before or we've bumped into each other at the FMB or a few of them that I have never seen before, but we just act like we are friends LAH! Hehehehe!
The class is a refresher class for us. We learn stuffs that we've learned years back. KACANG jer! (poyo...) It's true because all of us have passed the exam with flying colours! many-many colours!
Blue ~ Pink ~ Yellow ~ Green ~ Orange ~ Red ~ Brown ~ Grey ~ Purple ~
The Pics:
1) Me (trying a view from da top)
2) Alyza + headphone
3) Me (closed-up)
4) Yusof (usop) + bored + mag
5) Izuar (dunno possing or what)
6) Me + Ridzuan + Yusri
Posted by DeLL PuTiT at 6:37 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 29, 2008
ngantuk nyerrrrrr!!!!!
Woke up at 6.15am, sharp on the dot where the boxy shape Mr. Casio rang the bell as being set by Mr. Dell...Gosh!!! soooooo lazyyyyyyy.....
Showered, dried myself, put on clothes, facial cream, deodorant spray by nivea and lastly, hair wax, kinda daily routine actually when attending class at MAA.
I grabbed a cheese sandwich, got into ATOZ, drove slowly to MAA while listening to LEKA by Atilia (repeated for 3x), the CD that belongs to APPA.
Reached MAA and parked MR. ATOZ at my favourite spot, used to be ELIN'S, during our basic training days. Then went straight to the SMOKING ZONE of MAA, which is located behind the ACADEMY HOUSE (hotel). You know, it's like puffing the ciggies by the beach! I'm serious because there are numbers of coconut tree, that I've never seen any of its' fruits showing themselves to us, the CHIMNEY of the AIRLINE! Less fertilizer i think or suffocated by the POISONOUS smoke from its' foot???
8.30am sharp! We started the Computer Based Test. The room look like a CALL CENTER, people with headphones. Within 15minutes, most of us had finished answering the questions. Wow! It's kind of "piece of cake" questions actually, do'oh! 737-400, what do you expect...
After lunch, we got our results. All of us passed the exam, and guess what, I got 100% correct!
Yippie! 4.45pm, everyone CIAO!
Posted by DeLL PuTiT at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
What's wrong with that???
Posted by DeLL PuTiT at 7:44 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Sunset in a rush I believe
The time frame for the sun to lighten-up the sky is too narrow... the circle motion of the watch moves as fast as a wind-mill...

Posted by DeLL PuTiT at 11:51 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
What an early day!

Posted by DeLL PuTiT at 7:58 AM 2 comments
Check This Out!
Posted by DeLL PuTiT at 1:04 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
A Day in August
Today I woke up quite early because I was awaken by the vibration of my mobile, a call from a familiar number blinking on the screen. My vision at that moment was quite blurry, you know when you struggle to open-up your eyes after hours of a deep night sleep. The eyelids felt like being UHUed together. Well, it's a friend called to ask me when am I'll be going back to Shah Alam. What a question "early" in the morning huh...

Posted by DeLL PuTiT at 11:39 PM 2 comments
CUBA was defeated...
U.S TEAM moment of reaching the GOLD!!!
Today, U.S. women volleyball team has defeated my favourite group, CUBA (3-time olympic gold medal winner) in three straight sets. The U.S. team will play the winner of Thursday night's BRAZIL vs CHINA semifinal for the Olympic title on this coming Saturday for gold.
Well, at the very beginning of the match, I was really disappointed with CUBAN players because of their inconsistency in attacking and receiving the ball, till the end of the match. What a very deep frustration portrays on the coach's face and the players broke into mourning tears. The coach would never aspected that his team would dive into that kind of horrific loss. As he always said that his team is THE team!
Nevertheless, they play the loser of the match and got only bronze for this time... picture (--->) shows their moment of victory during the preliminary round against U.S., 3-0. It's such an irony...
Posted by DeLL PuTiT at 3:49 PM 0 comments

Posted by DeLL PuTiT at 1:52 AM 2 comments