We are the 5Th batch who need to RE-operate the Boeing 737-400 aircraft and Airbus 330 after finishing our 5-year contract, though it's kinda pathetic and weird, but it's the fact. The only different is, now we're PERMANENT!
CBT (computer based training) class was and is boring, by hook or by crook, we have to be in that room! Boredom is always spreading around the room of CBT, as if it's a contagious disease spreading rapidly in a small room...everyone tends to do their own things, such as...POSING TIME!

The class is the mixture of few batches, few of them are my seniors and most of them are my juniors. Most of us knew each other, whether we've flown together before or we've bumped into each other at the FMB or a few of them that I have never seen before, but we just act like we are friends LAH! Hehehehe!
The class is a refresher class for us. We learn stuffs that we've learned years back. KACANG jer! (poyo...) It's true because all of us have passed the exam with flying colours! many-many colours!
Blue ~ Pink ~ Yellow ~ Green ~ Orange ~ Red ~ Brown ~ Grey ~ Purple ~
The Pics:
1) Me (trying a view from da top)
2) Alyza + headphone
3) Me (closed-up)
4) Yusof (usop) + bored + mag
5) Izuar (dunno possing or what)
6) Me + Ridzuan + Yusri