Sharp at 12 midnight last night, my phone couldn't resist from buzzing and screaming "Totally Spice incoming message from Jerry" tone. Friends and relatives SMSing me and wishing me "Happy 29Th Birthday!" Thanks a lot people!!!

Yeah, today is my birthday. I'm 29-year-old, and it's the final year for me, being in the group of 20's! Isn't it scary to know that?! Gosh...the time is moving so fast and yet I couldn't see how my future intake is going to be... Well yeah, sometimes what we've planned yesterday wouldn't come out in the frame of reality for us to see and for us to admire the serenity of it. Mmm...don;t worry, my plans yet to be personified. I know what I'm doing...

Still green in my cage of reminiscence when I blew candles on the sweet and irresistible cake that my mum baked for me when I was a very fleshy young boy, once upon a time ago. Cousins and friends came over to my crib without empty-handed, with presents of course. Not to forget, everyone who came will get a goodies bag; candies, chocolates, tiny-winy toys and such. It was awesome!
Gathered around the table where I was the captain of that event, holding a cake knife, waiting to blow the candles right after the birthday song sung by the crowd. Those days huh!