Tuesday, December 16, 2008

where is everyone?

today, keje aku dok sms n call org2 yg terdapat dlm phonebook aku n yg aku terlintas nak call n sms!

Elin: my best friend since our basic training for MAS cabin crew is waiting for her hubby to come back from a trip. texted her n she replied. miss u guys lin!

yus: so called like my lil bro, bz with his agenda but he called me this late evening n he came over to my place with faiz. they said dat i'm getting skinnier! ahaks! thanx guys!

doel: is my cousin but we're really close since kids n like my own brother. he always bz one but we had kinda satay n burger dinner tonight. he's asleep n i cud hear he's snorring in his room! gosh!

mama: my lovely mummy! she called my 3 times today...i dunno lah my mum, she always got something to tell me bout things going on. very the up-to-date info lah mama tok...

kak p-jot: my only sis in my siblings. she called me becoz to remind me bout her seluar dat i bought in delhi, which only costs me 100 rupee = RM 10! sebok je kan die ingatlah! i'll be night-stopping in miri (MYY) this coming 23rd.

daddy: he called me exactly 5mins after my mum called. he told me a good news where i got a "reward" from something that i've invested. kinda cool huh! alhamdulillah. he even told me dat he might be coming over to see my new rental house.

azfar: my friend dat i owes call as "gedik". i dunno why, but i just like to call him dat. i texted n called him, but no sign of receiving any signal from me. so maybe "something" is on, i guess. ahaks! well, another 10 more days he'll be off to johore for his uitm. all da best far!

waty girl: my girl ever since primary 2, called her on my way home from klia. discussed bout da wedding she attended yesterday n asked her bout her baby iman. she's ok i think. we laughed over few matters that i shouldn't share in here. sorry....

rias: new friend of mine who's still under training to become part of cabin crew member. he's kinda worried bcoz they gonna have a safety exam! kacang je tu!